Public Rights of Way

Honeybourne Parish Paths

There are almost 13 miles of public rights-of-way (PROWs) in the Honeybourne parish. These footpaths and bridleways are maintained by farmers, landowners and volunteers with the support of Honeybourne Parish Council and Worcester County Council.

By just stepping off the public highway at any one of the footpath or bridleway signposts around the village you enter another world. Here you are in close contact with nature and the beauty of the area we have all chosen to live in.

These rights-of-ways are walked regularly by villagers to ensure ease of access, and to make sure that they are always open and clearly marked.

If you are interested in joining other volunteers in supporting this local leisure facility, then contact the Parish Council. Equally, if you identify any particular problems please also contact the Parish Council who will be only too pleased to address your concerns.

There are 20 published walks on these PROWs. For copies, please email [email protected]